Monday, January 1, 2007

Single Income Family

My wife stopped working when she was 8 months pregnant with our eldest child. We both agreed it was to our family's best interest if she stays at home with our children. She's done that for the last 9 years. Our youngest is now 4 years old.

An acquaintance, a Russian immigrant, once commented that you'd need to be rich to have 3 boys. Materially, we're not; though we're doing much better financially here in the US than when we were in the Philippines.

I consider it a tremendous blessing to be able to support our family of 5 with a single income. I think I can write a book about it. But, we're budgeting wisely and keeping track of our expenses. Plus, with my wife at home, it allows me to fully focus on my work. I really think that allowed me to progress on my career knowing fully well that if I leave our house to go work, my household is under the best manager it can ever be under - my wife.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Give your wife my "Respect" for her decision. I am a SAHM myself and I say, we should be applauded for knowing our priorities. Family first!